Thursday, May 21, 2020

Summary Of Crime And Punishment By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The book Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky takes place in St. Petersburg, Russia in the 1860s. It is about Raskolnikov, an impoverished former student, who devises and carries out a plan to kill Alyona Ivanovna, a pawnbroker, and unexpectedly killed her sister as well. The rest of the story follows him as he deals with his guilt. Eventually, he confesses to the crime and goes to prison. Although Crime and Punishment is about the fictional actions of a specific character, it does reveal details about the specific time and place. Since Raskolnikov is poor, the book provides information about the lives of people of that financial status. It also supplies information about marriage and relationships. Dostoyevsky was born in Moscow in†¦show more content†¦When Raskolnikov goes to sell his watch, he walks up to a large house. Instead of just one family living in this house, it was divided into small apartments. The people living there were all working people. He makes his way up to the room of the pawnbroker. The living quarters of the pawnbroker and her sister was made up of two small rooms with yellowing wallpaper. After he leaves the pawnbroker, Raskolnikov enters a tavern where he meets Marmeladov, who is drunk, and he eventually helps him get back to his home. Marmeladov and the other five people in his family lived in a room that was exceptionally small for that amount of people. The whole room was small enough so that everything could be seen from the doorway. In addition, there were rags and various articles of clothing thrown around. Furthermore, the only pieces of furniture were two chairs, a couch with holes in the leather, a kitchen table, and a bed. Furthermore, even though Marmeladov had been gone for several days, his wife’s first concern was what he had done with the money. Marmeladov’s family and the pawnbroker were not the only ones in poor living conditions, Raskolnikov also lived in a very tiny room. in fact, his room is described as so small that he could undo the latch without leaving his bed (75). Also, the ceiling was low enough that a person taller than average height could easilyShow MoreRelatedThe Themes of Dostoyevsky2976 Words   |  12 Pages The Themes of Dostoyevsky Fyodor Dostoyevsky, born in 1821, would become one of the greatest writers in Russian literature. Fyodor received an education in engineering in St. Petersburg, but decided to follow a literary career. He was a person who wrote how they felt about certain topics, and felt that everyone should know about the government. Dostoyevsky joined the underground group, the Petrashevsky circle, the to bring out the truth in these books, which were forbidden in the public. Through

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